News, PCR Updates

PCRecruiter 8.6.2 Patch

PCRecruiter 8.6.2 Patches

Main Sequence will be updating the ASP hosting service with PCRecruiter v. 8.6.2 at approximately 8 AM EST on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Along with this update, we highly recommend installing updated control plugins:

Internet Explorer Users – A new version of our ActiveX/.NET control pack will be released with this update. Download it from and install it on any Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine using PCRecruiter (XP users should not update). You may need administrator permissions on the computer to complete this installation.

Java Controls – All users of the Java plugins (including all users of Firefox or Safari) will be asked to update to Java 7 v 45 (see‎). Users working with an older version of Java may see a popup security request when accessing screens that require a Java plugin (viewing resumes, job descriptions, etc.). NOTE: Users of Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) will be unable to update to Java 7 and therefore unable to avoid the popup warnings. We recommend updating these Macs to OSX 10.7 or later.

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