Events, Partnerships

PCRecruiter Webinar with HIRABL & RingCentral

On December 2, 2015, Main Sequence presented a webinar with our partners from HIRABL and RingCentral.

In this 45-minute double-header, Jon Guidi, Founder/CRO of HIRABL, talks about how their service can help track down ‘back door hires,’ which result in millions of dollars in lost placement fees every year. Then, RingCentral Solutions Engineer Derek Hanson talks about their powerful voice and texting system, which adds VOIP/SMS features into your PCRecruiter toolbox.

The HIRABL portion begins around the 2 minute mark, and RingCentral begins around 17 minutes, followed by a demo of how RingCentral works inside of PCR at the 36 minute mark.

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