PCR Updates

PCRecruiter 9.7.33 – Recycling Bin Search

Version 9.7.33 adds Recycle Bin filtering and searching – a new capability suggested by PCRecruiter users in our Ideas & Requests forum. Also, RingCentral users must re-authenticate. Details in the blog post.

The development team has released a minor update to PCRecruiter this morning. With version 9.7.33 comes a new capability that was suggested directly by PCR users like you in the Ideas & Requests forum. We invite all of our users to offer their input on future enhancements to PCR via the forum, and to up-vote the features they’d find most helpful.

Recycling Bin Search

Whenever an item is deleted in PCRecruiter, it is moved to the Recycling Bin. The Recycling Bin is found in the Data Management area under SYSTEM. Records remain perpetually in the Recycling Bin until a user restores or permanently deletes them. Individual users can restore their own records, while Full Permission administrative users are able to see and restore records belonging to others.

With this new version comes dropdown filters for Date Range, Record Type, and User, as well as a keyword box to search by filename. As recycled records are heavily compressed to maximize account storage, keyword searching of the record contents is not possible. These new filters will make it much easier to locate records for restoration or for permanent removal.


RingCentral Re-Authentication Required

Due to a recent change made by RingCentral, all users who have a RingCentral account connected to PCRecruiter will need to authenticate again to continue using click-to-dial and activity writing functions. To do this:

  1. Log into PCRecruiter.
  2. Select MyPCR from the Main Toolbar.
  3. Click on the “You are not authenticated with RingCentral, click here to login” link.
  4. Sign into your RingCentral Account.
  5. Authorize.

For more instruction, click here for a step-by-step tutorial on this authentication procedure.

Review PCRecruiter for a $10 Gift Card

The folks at Capterra, the leading online resource for business software buyers, are offering $10 gift cards for independent reviews of PCRecruiter. We invite you to click this link and share your thoughts about PCRecruiter and Main Sequence. This is a limited-time offer, and expires after the first 100 verified reviews or on November 20, 2019. We thank you for your time and your opinion!

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