Partners & Affiliations

Textkernel is the leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Semantic Technology for matching people and jobs. Our solutions enables thousands of recruitment and staffing agencies, employers, job boards, HR software vendors and outplacement and redeployment agencies worldwide to work smarter and more effectively by creating efficiencies in the HR and recruitment process.

Textkernel is the leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Semantic Technology for matching people and jobs. Our solutions enables thousands of recruitment and staffing agencies, employers, job boards, HR software vendors and outplacement and redeployment agencies worldwide to work smarter and more effectively by creating efficiencies in the HR and recruitment process.

PCRecruiter’s direct integration with Textkernel reinforces our native full-text search engine to empower recruiting, staffing, and sourcing professionals with deeper search and smarter matching capabilities based on the content of their resumes, job descriptions, and other keyword-rich content.

Who are PCRecruiter?

Find out more about who we and what we do.