Partners & Affiliations

Improve team efficiency and elevate your sales engagement by integrating Outplay with PCRecruiter for prospecting, drafting personalized emails at scale, multi-channel outreach, task management, tracking, and reporting.


Elevate Your Recruitment Workflows with Outplay

It’s every recruiter’s dream to be able to reach more candidates. But we’re only human, right? With Outplay and PCRecruiter, you can accelerate and scale your recruitment workflows to contact, track and amplify your candidate outreach, all while maintaining the human touch so vital to this process.

  • Engage across channels at scale with hyper-personalized messaging, convert more candidates and track where your candidates stand.
  • Learn which templates get results, what times get the best responses, and which channel sees the highest conversion rate. Leverage real-time data for insight on your recruitment strategy.
  • The link is bi-directional and completely automated, so you’ll share info directly between Outplay and your private PCRecruiter database with no double-entry or manual sync.

The Dream Team: Outplay + PCRecruiter

Outplay is essentially a sales engagement platform, Outplay has also become a favorite of recruiters because of its G2 recognized multi-channel outreach mechanism. Outplay helps recruiters engage with prospects across Email, Phone, SMS, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Video, and Website chat and automatically move them across sequence with action-based triggers. Thus saving valuable time and ensuring that the ball is never dropped. And also allowing recruiters to reach more candidates than ever before.

Why Outplay + PCRecruiter?

Expand your outreach with multi-channel cadences

Reach more candidates through hyper-personalized multichannel sequences that include emails, LinkedIn and calls to build more connections – and faster. Reach candidates on the channel they’re most likely to respond on.

Scale your recruitment efforts faster than ever

Reach more candidates than ever before and ensure nothing slips through the cracks by automating outreach activities based on triggers like responding to favorable replies.

Auto-sync contact information between both platforms

Any updates to your candidate’s status gets synced between platforms automatically. Any impact of your outreach through Outplay with instantly reflect on PCRecruiter’s comprehensive applicant pipeline and vice versa.

Share your winning templates with your team

Templatize the scripts and and emails that bring you the results, and have them ready to use for yourself and your team to replicate the success each time – all it takes is a click, and some quick edits.

Use data to make informed decisions

Use outreach data opens, clicks, and positive responses to make informed calls on what’s working and what isn’t – including decisions on channel preferences, timing of the outreach and more.

Take advantage of some next-gen AI features

Get ready for recruiting workflows of the future. Leverage Outplay’s AI powered email writer, personalization and conversational intelligence features.

Elevate Your Recruitment Game Today!

Integrating Outplay with PCRecruiter is a breeze. Outplay’s user-friendly interface ensures a smooth setup process, and their support team is ready to assist you every step of the way. Start harnessing the power of this integration today to revolutionize your recruitment processes, enhance your workflow, and drive better results. Stay ahead in the competitive talent acquisition landscape by unlocking the full potential of these two powerful platforms working seamlessly together.

Get started with the Outplay and PCRecruiter integration today and take your recruitment game to new heights!

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