Partners & Affiliations

Paiger’s marketing software has been designed to share content, jobs & perform market research in seconds. They give recruiters the tools to tap into their larger networks. Formed in 2018 and now used by over 4000+ recruiters and marketers, Paiger was awarded APSCo’s Innovation Of The Year in 2019 and TIARA Talent Tech’s Marketing Solution Of The Year in 2020, 21 & 22. Feed your current PCRecruiter openings to Paiger for broader exposure on your social networks.

Feed your PCRecruiter job board listings to Paiger for broader exposure on your social networks. Paiger’s marketing software has been designed to share content and perform market research in seconds. They give recruiters the tools to tap into their larger networks. Formed in 2018 and now used by over 4000+ recruiters and marketers, Paiger was awarded APSCo’s Innovation Of The Year in 2019 and TIARA Talent Tech’s Marketing Solution Of The Year in 2020, 21 & 22.

Who are PCRecruiter?

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