Industry, News

Staffing Software Becoming Too Complex?

In order to better compete in a changing marketplace, some companies are making their staffing software offerings too complicated, making it more important for companies to know how to choose and implement the right software.

When it comes to the emerging talent management technology expansion, employee performance management has become a clear focal point. As the popularity and usefulness of automation has grown, so has the number of vendors offering various staffing software solutions.

Unfortunately, this has caused some companies to try to “out-feature” their competition, causing vendors to sacrifice ease-of-use and system stability in favor of additional features, modules and integrations. This only increases complexity, implementation time and cost, resulting in more dissatisfaction and system replacement.

Even more non-conducive, according to an article by Cytiva, is that organizational performance outcomes are not being realized, because the majority of resources and efforts are being exhausted in order to make the system work as advertised.

In order to break the cycle of blaming the system for the failings of the organization to achieve results, we must first take a deeper look into the system selection and roll-out efforts made by organizations looking to effect a permanent cultural change.

There are six steps organizations can take in order to select and implement a good staffing software system, including:

    1. Clearly defining the goals of performance management initiatives
    2. Preparing the organization for change
    3. Executing a phased approach to system implementation
    4. Delivering a world class employee-manager experience
    5. Cutting through the market hype
    6. Wining over the organization

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