Industry, Topics

ATS Can Help You Go Green

If you’re a green company looking to hire, or a company looking to go more green, having a good ATS can make all the difference when it comes to finding the right candidates.

There has been a big push on going green lately, with the thought that doing so will not only help to improve the environment, but also will help to create more high-paying and sustainable jobs. Most recently, world leaders met at the International Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen to discuss how each nation can become more green.

In the meantime, President Barack Obama outlined a new strategy to stimulate job creation, and one of the central points to his plan is to generate green jobs by building environmentally friendly infrastructure and by providing citizens with the incentive to become more energy-efficient.

Whether you agree with the concept of going green or not, the fact remains that there are several benefits businesses can receive by doing so. For instance, a portion of The American Clean Energy and Security Act would provide $20 billion over two years for people to retrofit their homes to be more energy efficient. That would create up to 850,000 jobs and save about $3.3 billion in energy bills per year.

While many big businesses are against green regulation, federal groups like the Environmental Protection Agency continue to implement benchmarks to which companies must adhere. In addition, part of the plan is to use the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which will increase lending to small businesses.

If your company is looking to implement more green strategies, perhaps it’s most important to know how to combine the world of hiring and environmental conservation. Any funding incentives your company receives for going green can be used to hire the right talent, which will be integral for any size business to make the most out of their funding.

One of the best ways to make sure you’re hiring the right talent is by implementing an applicant tracking system. By using an ATS, you can set parameters for the exact type of candidate you’re looking for, all while saving time and money.

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