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PCRecruiter 8.6 released

Main Sequence has released PCRecruiter version 8.6 to our ASP-hosted users. While the majority of the changes in this update are ‘under the hood’ improvements, the new update does include two major improvements.

One is our new integration with Insight Squared, a staffing analytics provider that offers PCRecruiter users a deeper look into the pipeline, employee-level trend data such as time-to-fill, forecasting of sales and completed job orders, benchmarks of employee productivity, quality monitoring of field data, and more.  Fred Shilmover, CEO of InsightSquared, says “InsightSquared is very excited to offer PCRecruiter customers a comprehensive way of looking at their staffing data. With the new reporting tools at their reach, these companies will be able to better leverage their own data to make decision that will positively impact their bottom line.” To sign up or for more info, contact Insight Squared.

In addition, our 8.6 release includes enhancements to the PCRecruiter public API. This second round of API functions includes the new REST method, in addition to the existing SOAP method. The REST method will allow for even easier integration with our API for third-party developers.

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