News, PCR Updates

PCRecruiter Update 9.6.3

We’ve just released a new update for PCRecruiter 9 which includes a few enhancements.

  • ‘Quick add’ icons at the upper right corner of the screen when working with name records to give you faster access to adding attachments, interviews, resumes, notes, and activities to the name you’re currently viewing. The number or checkmark with each “plus” icon indicates whether there are already attachments, notes, etc. for that record.
  • Customization options for the “I want to…” action column in name search results and rollups.
  • User-configurable colors and icons for the Stage settings in Rollups and Pipelines.
  • Automations and activities for Stages configured in the Name Rollup now also apply when Stage is used on the Pipeline screen.
  • Horizontal scrollbar appears at all times when a Rollup is too wide for the browser window.
  • ‘Recently Viewed’ Rollup list now shows only the applicable lists for the record type you’re working with.
  • Various fixes and performance improvements.

More updates and new features are being worked on. Follow us on our social networks or watch your PCR 9 login screen to stay informed.

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