News, PCR Updates

PCRecruiter Update 9.6.6

PCRecruiter 9.6.6 has been released, including a fantastic list of new features and integrations.

  • Integration with RingCentral for voice and SMS (bulk-text coming soon). Launch calls and texts from your PCR records, get caller-id popups linked to the matching PCR contacts, and get full activity tracking of calls and texts.
  • The first release of our Mobile App for iOS and Android is out, giving you the most convenient on-the-go access to your recruiting database yet.
  • Sync your PCR calendar with Google Calendar and sync a rollup of names with Google Contacts. Now you can use any Google-compatible calendar app to view and manage your PCR schedule.
  • Outgoing email now has a counter to indicate how many attachments are on the mail.
  • Outgoing email includes a new option to merge all text attachments into a PDF.
  • Updates to the Mobile/Lite Web Extensions, allowing apply-without-resume and custom sort order for position lists.
  • PCRecruiter Portal for MS Outlook has been updated to support Outlook 2016.
  • Repeating Events can now be created in the PCR Schedule.
  • Support for Recruiters Connection job feeds. Recruiters Connection is a job board and split network exclusive to recruiting/search firms (no corporate recruiter postings allowed). A special discounted rate of $59 total for three months with three job slots per month, is being offered to PCRecruiter users through the end of November 2015. Get started at this link or call 860-635-3900.
  • PCR 9 is now compatible with Windows 10 and the new Microsoft Edge Browser

Watch the video for the details.

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