PCR Updates

PCR Capture Update 2.3

This week, we’re releasing a new version of our PCR Capture Extension for Google Chrome, the browser plugin that makes importing and updating contacts from social networks and other sites a snap.

This week, we’re releasing a new version of our PCR Capture Extension for Google Chrome, the browser plugin that makes importing and updating contacts from social networks and other websites a snap. The new version 2.3 features a variety of speed improvements and bug fixes, as well as these great enhancements:

  • Improved workflow and interface for duplicate contact detection.
  • You can now add your captured contacts to any Rollup or Position pipeline on-the-fly from Advanced mode.
  • When updating a contact that’s already in PCRecruiter, you can now tell Capture to keep the name under the current company from the database, regardless of the company info parsed from the web.
  • Improvements to recognition of non-English names.
  • Access to the ‘Country’ field during contact data review.
  • A ‘minimize’ option on the Capture panel.

PCR Capture 2.3

We want to know what you think about the new update. Get in touch via the comments below.

24 thoughts on “PCR Capture Update 2.3”

    1. We’ve published it in the Chrome Store this morning, and Chrome updates plugins automatically. You should see these updates very shortly!

  1. The PCR Capture feature is a true time saver when adding candidates. The recent update should resolve minor issues with this feature and enhance the user experience.

  2. The PCR capture tool has made me work more efficiently and quickly, allowing more time for me to source candidates and less time entering them into PCR manually. Thanks PCR – keep up the great work!

  3. Really like the updated Capture functionality – especially recognizing duplicates. Makes the search and capture of Candidates a breeze. Truly appreciate the continued effort to improve time saving tools like this!

  4. The update video tutorial looks fantastic, however the actual release did not work that way for me. Specifically, there is no “+” signal to indicate that a name is not in my database nor is there a number of possible matches like it shows in the video. Also, there is no option to add the candidate to a rollup “on the fly” as the video states.

    Anyone else getting the same problem?

    1. Hi James – It’s possible that your plugin hasn’t received the automatic update yet. Go to chrome://extensions/ and verify that you’re using version 2.3.8.

  5. We have found the Capture tool to be an indespensible add-on to Chrome. It has increased productivity by streamlining the name gathering process. Looking forward to the update!

  6. This tool is certainly an improvement on accuracy. The roll up feature should be built into the basic mode though. All in all, great work!

    1. Hi Matt – The Rollup feature is available in Basic Mode, but because Basic Mode has no confirmation screens for any on-the-fly adjustments, the Rollup selection is in the Options panel.

  7. Hi Andrew,

    I seem to be having issues using the capture extension and can’t figure out what is going on.? When I try to add or update anyone from LI I get an error message saying that my session is invalid or expired. Please log in to continue. ?? I have signed off and on a few times and also have checked my chrome extensions and everything look ok? Any ideas to what has happened? The capture feature worked fine earlier today but now it is not. Anybody else have this problem?

    Thanks Andrew!

    1. Sorry to hear that , Kim! If you continue to have trouble, you might try removing and re-adding the extension in case the update didn’t load properly. Contact support@mainsequence.net with as much detail as you can about the problem and they should be able to assist with troubleshooting.

  8. So, it won’t allow us to log in with our log in URL, which I copied and pasted directly. Is this feature available to us? We are self hosted and have had issues when you’ve run updates before

    1. Self-hosted clients will need to stick to the older version of PCR Capture until a new self-hosted release is ready. Our tech support team can get you the installer for the previous Capture edition. I’ve opened a help ticket for you.

    1. Adding content from an unpredictable site like a company page is a bit tougher, but there is a shortcut. Highlight the company’s contact info block (name, address, etc.) and then on the ‘add company’ form in PCR, click the ‘clipboard’ icon next to the company name field. PCR will try to parse out the rest of the contact info into the fields for you.

  9. Feedback: The option to add to a RUL from Capture is awesome! However, when you start to type and the field autopopulates, there is no option to arrow down if you have more than one choice. It starts at the top of your RULs (I think). Also, the field retains whatever RUL you chose and automatically adds the next candidate to that RUL. Keep up the great work!

  10. It’s my first time attempting to use this tool – it looks fantastic! When I added the Capture extension this message came up, “Capture is not available at this domain. Not sure what to do next?!


    1. PCR Capture relies on the predictable layouts of specific websites, so it will not work on every website. It should pop up by itself if you land on a supported page.

  11. Love the new features. Particularly the ability to add to a roll-up on the fly. I have been making some errors, however, since it remembers the roll-up until you change it. It sounds like a great way to say time but if you work with several searches – it creates quite a number of errors.

  12. This new update is way better than the previous version however the fields that it captures is only limited to Predefined fields. Hope they come up with option for Custom fields soon.

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