PCR Updates

New Update: Split-Desk Features

This week’s update includes all-new features for dividing credit and commission for placements between multiple users (split-desk), as well as other tweaks and fixes. Check out our update blog post for complete details.

PCRecruiter has a new update this week, with plenty of tweaks and fixes “below the waterline” as usual, plus some noticeable improvements for system users.

All new in this release is a series of tools for managing split-desk recruiting and staffing, where multiple users can split credit for apportioning money commissions or performance measures. These are further refined by the main PCRecruiter record types of organizations, jobs, and people.

These new tools will help you automate the divvying up of activity to make calculating your commissions and incentive plans much easier.

In addition to the user activity credit and fee splitting enhancements, we’ve also made several other changes:

  • We’ve made improvements to our CV parsing for Latin America. This update enhances the Add Resume screen’s ability to better recognize and segment multi-part first and surnames, and other parts of the contact data. We continue to improve our parser as we encounter resumes and CVs of varying contact info formats.
  • The company / organization record in PCRecruiter has a legacy “Email/WWW Address” field, which can be used for storing either the company website or a general email address.Users have asked us for an easy way to separate these items out into two fields, so we’ve added a new Split Company Email / WWW Field item to the Global Change area in the System menu. This new utility will allow you to migrate all of the email addresses or all of the web addresses from the standard field to a Custom Field of your choice.
  • Our PCRCapture plugin for Google Chrome is now equipped to recognize Monster-formatted contacts.
  • The customized Placement screen layouts can now use Horizontal Splitters. These splitters can also be labeled, giving you the ability to break down the placement screen into clear workflow steps (e.g. “1. Complete this segment and Save before proceeding.”)
  • This quarter, Main Sequence implemented a new customer service system, enhancing the capabilities of our award-winning support team to search, merge, and fine-tune tickets and customer communications. These tools will increase our ability to identify, and successfully fulfill customer requests more quickly and conveniently.
  • We’ve also implemented systemic changes to further strengthen PCR’s commercially-high standard of security. These include changes to session authentication procedures, which integrate both local and network-based authenticators. Many security organizations recommend a value of 30 minutes or less of inactivity before automatic log-out, although many users find that interval inconveniently short. The default value is currently 180 min and can be adjusted by your database administrator within the System > Global Timeout area.Please also note that customers are responsible for final configuration of user-exposed security options, such as password strength and end-user permissions. If you wish to review PCRecruiter security settings or schedule a training session on the topic, contact Main Sequence support.

Please get in touch below if you have comments about this update or related topics you’d like to discuss.

And if you’d like to tell us a bit more about yourself and what you get out of PCRecruiter in general, we’ve got a user survey here. Your ideas can be rocket-fuel for tech companies, so please pour it on!

10 thoughts on “New Update: Split-Desk Features”

  1. These new add on over the last several months are just that. However, I would love to see some of the basic functionality of PCR improved such as the letter editor, interface between the calendar and activities, more intuitive interfaces between different areas of the program, able to multi-select or deselect on rollups, more internal links to get to other areas of the program with right click options etc.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Michael! If you’d like to give us more specifics on what you’d like to see, we’re all ears. Send an email to support@mainsequence.net with whatever detail you can provide so we can look into ways of making things easier.

  2. I agree with Michael Parrot’s sentiments above. I have multiple feature requests tickets of which none have been actioned.

    Examples include:
    1. Confirmation warning when deleting attachments as the ‘delete’ button sits right below the ‘save as’ button
    2. Add ‘Interview’ from the Add Resume Utility
    3. PCR Capture tool doesn’t parse Australian information very well (this is also true with job board integrations and Add Resume Utility)
    4. Show and access future Schedule items within Name/Company records
    5. Create an Activity from an email so it is possible to create a Schedule item from an email instead of double handling

    Other suggestions:
    1. Improve the formatting for creating signatures in emails
    2. Within Add Resume Utility when you press the Tab button on keyboard the cursor moves right of screen instead of down

    1. Thanks Andy – those are good suggestions!

      We are on the verge of adding a new feature suggestion system to our site where users can submit ideas and others can vote on them. Features like the new split-desk function were based on requests from users, but the smaller items like the ones you’ve listed don’t necessarily get the “me too” as easily in our current method of handling. We expect that this new feature request setup will give our product development managers a clearer and more consistent idea of what the user base is interested in seeing

  3. I second Andy’s comment. I would also suggest developing (if you have not) a group of Beta testers who are actual end users of PCRecruiter. In this way, you can get feedback from folks who run into difficulties IRL. I’d even volunteer for that.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! We’ll look into methods of managing something like that, as it would be helpful. We’ve had beta testing groups in the past, but they weren’t always able to give effective feedback. The new support system that we’re implementing now may facilitate more constructive beta tests than we could do before.

  4. Have you considered adding a 2nd (or 3rd) screen capability so we can open a resume on one screen and be able to enter notes on another screen (vise versa?) . You are running out of real estate on 1 screen.
    Even being able to pop it up and drag it to another screen would be great. Cheaper alternative than investing in a 70″ monitor 😉

    1. Actually, the dev team is looking into that sort of thing. There are some technical complexities involved in communicating between two different browser windows and keeping the content in sync. It’s definitely on the radar, though. I’ll put it in as an official request for you.

  5. 1. I strongly support the goal of creating a user “voting” or polling function, not only to provide input to MainSequence but to give users a window into what projects are being considered and the relative popularity of the proposals.
    2. I hope that the new ticket process allows users to track the progress of all tickets. I have initiated some tickets in the past that I’ve never received any update for. I’d like to see some definitive statement of progress, or no progress so that I know that I have to find a work-round or table for later.
    3. I think PCR continues to be the best ATS on the market, due in part to your robust continuous improvement process. I too would be happy to volunteer to be part of a beta test group of users.
    4. Paul Lipman: I currently use three monitors and it works flawlessly. I open two sessions of PCR, on two screens, so that I can view the resume while I conduct an interview and capture my notes into the Name Record. The third screen can be for Outlook, One Note or even a third PCR session if I need to see Profiles, the Requisition, or the Organization Record while doing an interview.

    1. Hi Keith! We haven’t ‘officially announced it’ yet, but the new vote-based system is at http://help.pcrecruiter.com. Log in (you may need to sign up if you haven’t yet… soon we’ll have the option to sign in with Facebook/Twitter/Gmail as well) and look for the Forums tab. Submit your topics there. You can also track your tickets while logged into the helpdesk. We’re still on the learning curve with it, but it’s definitely making a difference in our ability to stay on top of issues and communicate with customers.

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