PCR Updates, Video

PCRecruiter 9.7.37 – Presentations & Themes Updates

PCRecruiter’s latest update includes two brand new color themes, an option for larger fonts, plus time-saving improvements to our Candidate Presentations and automation plan features.

Our development team is working diligently on a number of projects, and in the PCRecruiter update released this morning we’ve added some new features and made improvements both on the face of the software and behind the scenes. Here’s what you’ll find…

Candidate Presentations

Our Candidate Presentations feature, which you’ll find in the overview video above, allows you to send convenient, branded candidate data packages to hiring authorities. Not only do these Presentations help you communicate more efficiently, but with instant email notifications when your client has opened a Presentation or given Feedback, you’ll always be ready to reach out the moment you’re needed.

This update includes several workflow enhancements requested by our Candidate Presentations users, making it an even faster way to get feedback from your hiring authorities. As always, we invite your suggestions on this and other areas of PCRecruiter in our Ideas & Requests forum.

  • The Feedback box can now be moved, minimized, and re-sized so that recipients can more easily reference resumes and other presented data while entering their feedback.
  • When a Candidate Presentation contains multiple candidates, the recipient’s name and email will be retained across all Feedback boxes once it’s been entered, saving data entry time.
  • The Star Rating feature can be made optional or hidden entirely when a Presentation is being sent.
  • A new toggle has been added to the menu of candidate names when sending a Presentation which allows the user to Show or Hide the names in the list.
  • Candidate Presentations are now auto-labeled with the first and Last name of the candidate and a ### placeholder. The ### will be converted to a sequential number when the Presentation is sent, simplifying the process of sending of Presentations while making it easy to tell them apart within a single candidate record.
  • The Theme selection dropdown now displays the Primary and Secondary colors of the Presentation Themes for easier identification.
  • The ‘Action’ button on Presentation lists now includes options to review the sent email and to delete the Presentation entirely.
  • The Candidate Presentation creation and editing screens have been updated to match the users’ currently selected PCRecruiter Theme.
  • A ‘Preview’ button has been added to the Template editing screen, making it possible to preview changes using placeholder data.

Large Font Dropdown and New ThemesThemes Updates

We’ve added two new brand Theme options to the ‘Change My Theme’ panel, accessible from the small gear icon at the top right corner of your PCRecruiter screen. The new Light Blue theme offers a bright alternative to our default Light Mode, while the Victoria theme brings lavender and mauve into the mix just in time for Spring.

In addition, this panel now contains a Default Font Size / Large Font Size dropdown menu, which increases the type size for any of the selected themes.

Automation Plan Scheduled Actions

Scheduled AutomationsPCRecruiter’s Automation Plans are a time-saving way to trigger emails, write Activities, add records to Rollup Lists and perform other tasks based on movements in the Pipeline, changes in Rollup Stage, Job Board applications, and Profile completions. In our latest update, a new Scheduled Action option appears on each item. This new feature makes Automations more flexible and useful than ever.

By default, checked tasks are performed immediately when the trigger occurs.  With Scheduled Actions you may now add a delay into the process. For example, if you often sorting through candidates on Friday afternoons you may want to defer the associated automated emails until the next Monday, or you may wish to trigger a Status change after 7 days from a particular event.

The options include Number of Days (wait X days before running the automation), Day of the Week (run the automation on the next occurring Tuesday), and Hour of Day (run the automation at next 8 AM). You may combine these for more complex selections, such as “wait five days and then send this email at 7:00 AM on the soonest Monday.”

Merging Placed Candidates

One other minor change you may encounter is in the Merge screen. On occasion, a candidate that is already in your database as a Placed record may get re-added to the database with a new resume or email address via the Job Board or an import. If you attempt to merge a duplicate Name record that has a Placement with a non-placed record, you’ll see a new checkbox: “Retain Company Association and Status value from non-master record.” This checkbox allows you to keep all of the data from the newly added record as the ‘Master,’ without losing the older record’s connection to the Company or its ‘Placed’ value in the Status field.

Review PCRecruiter and Support Direct Relief

We have partnered with G2 Gives, who will be donating $10 on your behalf to our selected charity, Direct Relief. All you need to do is post a review of PCRecruiter at this link. It costs you nothing but a moment or two of your day.

Direct Relief is a venerable US-based non-profit that provides humanitarian aid in all 50 states and more than 80 countries for people affected by poverty or emergencies. They do so without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay, and they get exceedingly high marks for how efficiently they use donations and how transparent their organization is.

By reviewing PCR at the provided link, you’ll not only help people researching recruiting and staffing software find out about more about PCR, but you’ll help us reach our $1000 donation goal. That money will go to Direct Relief’s services for outbreaks, disasters, and emergencies, plus support for community health and medicine around the world.

We hope you’ll help us in supporting this critically needed organization as we all look forward to better days ahead.

In addition to G2 Gives, we always appreciate receiving your reviews on Capterra.

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