Partners & Affiliations
hireNexus Research

hireNexus Research is dedicated to enhancing your recruitment strategy with comprehensive researching services for recruiters. Our expertise enables us to deliver targeted solutions, optimizing recruitment outcomes and propelling your business forward.

We can help our clients with almost every support service needed. Our research team can do almost everything for you except make phone calls and build relationships. Here are some of the primary services we offer our clients:

  • Candidate Sourcing: your researcher will provide as much detail as possible about the candidates that we source for you including reasons why they think the person is qualified for the position. The candidate’s information can be added directly into your CRM and/or ATS.
  • Lead Generation / Marketing Support: we can build lists of companies and/or target contacts based on any required criteria. The information can be added directly to your database, ATS or CRM. We can also do targeted marketing projects on an ad-hoc basis and deliver targeted leads to your team.
  • Electronic Outreach: our team can generate initial interest with the candidates and/or potential clients we source on your behalf through email, mass email campaigns, text/SMS, sequencing and messages through online platforms. We can do the initial contact and forward any positive responses directly to you.
  • Job Postings: We have experience with almost every job board out there and can easily manage the process of posting your jobs to make sure they’re done correctly. Our researchers can use AI tools to improve your jobs descriptions, read through them to make sure any confidential information is removed and fix any spelling mistakes prior to posting the position. We can also go through applications in an email and add them to your ATS or CRM.
  • Virtual Administrative Support: from checking emails to gathering data for a report, our research team can handle nearly any daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or yearly administrative task. They are extremely proficient in Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint and can provide virtual administrative support in almost any capacity. We can also provide you with background investigations and drug screening services.
  • Database Maintenance: cleaning up data is often a very time-consuming endeavor. This is the type of task that our research team excels in, and they can handle any type of database maintenance project from cleaning up duplicate records to export/import of data. We can also provide email validation to keep your database clean.

Who are PCRecruiter?

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