PCR Capture is now pre-set to add any newly created Names to the database’s Default Company. This will speed the creation of new candidate records by adding them to your talent pool with minimal steps.
Capture offers additional new options for more control:
- Capture a new Name and Company β Click the Back button in the Capture window and disable the Default Company toggle to add both Name and Company records for the new contact.
- Capture a Name into an Existing Company β Click the Back button in the Capture window and use the Search form to locate the Company. Then, click the checkbox (new in this version) on your desired Company record to add the Name to that Company without altering that Company.
- Capture and Update Name and Company β When presented with a list of potential duplicates for your captured data, click the desired card, which will mark it with a ‘1’. The Name will be added to that company, and the captured company info will be applied to that selected existing record. As with previous versions, numbering multiple Company or Name cards will trigger a merge (if your PCRecruiter user account has permission) enabling you to clean up duplicate records while capturing updated information.
- Update Name without Altering Company β When updating a Name that’s already in your database, a new toggle labeled “Use ___’s Company” appears on the list of Company choices. Toggle this option to keep the Name’s existing Company association intact while updating the Name.
If you’ve already got the free PCR Capture Chrome Extension installed, it should update automatically.
Login Screen Changes
In addition to the Capture update, this PCRecruiter release includes a change to the main PCRecruiter Login page.
The Database selection dropdown is now the first field in the login form. The Username and Password fields will be visible only after a Database has been selected from the list. Once a database has been selected, the login page will remember your database choice on that browser until cookies are cleared.
This login screen revision is in preparation for an upcoming ‘single sign on’ feature now in testing. If you would like to know more, contact your PCRecruiter sales representative.

This update to PCRecruiter adds a new ‘Last 7 days’ option in the “Sent Within” dropdown for mass-emails. This allowing you to limit emails to recipients who haven’t received that letter / any letter in the past 7 days. In earlier versions of PCRecruiter, the shortest range was a 30-day window.
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