You may remember that back in the fall, we compiled a list of key hiring and recruitment trends for 2022. The truth is that with so much going on this year, there’s plenty more where that came from. So we’ve decided to welcome in 2023 by looking back – and gazing ahead – at 5 recruiting trends you might have missed.

1 Recruitment Podcasts
Staying up to date with the latest recruitment industry insight, topics, and trends is no easy feat – especially right now. The great thing about podcasts is that you can listen on the fly, in the car, on the way to work, or on your lunch break. The trouble is, if you can think of it, someone’s probably already made a podcast about it. With so many shows available, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. To help you get started, earlier in 2022 we put together a list of our top 6 recruitment podcasts.
2 Data Security
Recruiters handle high volumes of personal data every day. In fact, your data is probably your organization’s most valuable asset. Think about it. All that candidate and company data sitting in your ATS and CRM is a goldmine – not only for your competitors – but for hackers looking to extract personal information. The last thing any recruiter wants is a data breach, which can be costly for your company – particularly your reputation. As data privacy regulations around the world continue to tighten, data security becomes ever more critical to client and candidate trust. Find out what you need to know by reading our article on data security in recruitment.
3 Social Recruiting
Let’s be clear. The fundamentals of recruiting haven’t changed all that much over the years. But the ways in which candidates engage with potential employers, and employers reach out to candidates, have evolved. As a digital-first generation enters the job market, companies need to find the right spaces to engage with potential candidates. And that means social hiring – using social media platforms to connect with prospective candidates. However, recruiters need to be increasingly strategic about which social platforms they use to source the right candidates. Learn more by reading our guide on how to use social media in recruiting.
4 Automations
It’s not the most obvious move for a people business like recruitment, but introducing automations into the hiring process can help you hire faster. By making effective use of today’s technology, recruiters can free-up more time to focus on their core business. For example, in PCRecruiter, it’s possible to automate things like form letters to candidates, emails to clients to schedule interviews, and notifications that prompt administrators to take certain actions. The key to this is knowing what’s possible, and how to set up automatons which actually benefit recruiters in their daily work. Not sure where to start? Take a look at our blog post on 5 ways to use automation in recruitment.
5 Artificial Intelligence
Let’s be honest, in 2022 AI in recruitment was headline news, so you probably didn’t miss this one! But, we feel it’s an important one to keep on your radar. The reality is that AI is here, it’s been used by recruiters, and it’s not going away anytime soon. It’s fair to say that many of us are willing to welcome AI into certain aspects of our lives, from customer service chatbots to film recommendations. But when it comes to determining our suitability for an open role – that’s a different story. New York’s new regulation on the use of ‘Automated Employment Decision Tools’ comes into effect from 1st January 2023. It will be interesting to see the impact of this on the recruitment industry. Read our blog to learn more about the pitfalls and potential of using AI in recruitment.
Looking Ahead To 2023
As people, technology, and the global economies continue to pull in different directions, companies will continue to adopt and embrace technology-driven recruitment practices to compete for the best candidates, and ensure they get the right people into the right roles.
At PCRecruiter, we’re excited to discover where our sequencing tool will take recruiters who’ll be able to accelerate recruiting workflows, speed up the onboarding of new team members, and increase efficiency for current users.
Stay on top of your hiring game in 2023 and beyond with PCRecruiter’s Sequencing feature. Watch this short video to learn more:
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